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For Light

Ekta Kumar

Updated: Dec 6, 2024

'There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.'

  • Leonard Cohen

Mornings are getting colder, fields are full of gold, and the mood is festive. Are you sorting your cupboard, airing the mattresses, wiping, cleaning, and buying shiny, new things?

There is so much importance given to beauty and perfection, especially in this season. We paint, polish, repair and replace things that are dented or damaged, in hope that Lakshmi will knock. Houses are decorated, women look like goddesses, and everything sparkles.

Three Pujaris Jamini  Roy Women Bengal

Three Pujaris - Jamini Roy, 1937

But what is real is often flawed. The moon would be oh so boring, if it shone without its scars. Frayed books, with yellowing pages, have stories within stories. And the prettiest flowers are the ones that grow on weeds.

Bauerngarten, Gustav Klimt, 1907

Bauerngarten - Gustav Klimt, 1907

So how do we remember that broken can be beautiful. That our scars tell us where we've been. That we need not hide everything. That it is okay for cracks to show…because that is how light gets in.

Happy Diwali, Imperfect & Beautiful.

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