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Ekta Kumar

“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”

  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

On a very quiet Friday night at home, a very cool song began to play and I started to go round and round, literally spinning on my toes, wondering how fast could I go. The Milky Way takes hundreds of millions of years to complete just one round. The earth, twenty four hours. Time, as a reference point is notoriously hard to pin down. And yet, we try.

Counting rotations, counting hours, counting lives.

And thus 2023 comes to a close.

solar system art vintage

Ellen Baker's 'Solar System' Quilt, 1876

2024 will be welcomed with open arms, and hope. There will be a big fuss around it. Most of us will try and stay up, like Cinderellas tied to midnight. And when the clock ticks and we shall chant – 10, 9, 8, 7…

But what is going to happen?

ladies drinking gin on girls night out vintage europe

The Gin Shop - Anonymous 1765

We turn to the clock in anticipation of change. Perhaps there will be new things. But I see the sun, unfazed, it will quietly set and rise again. 

Some things don’t change. Some do.

claude monet sun painting sunrise impressionist

Sunrise - Claude Monet, 1872

2024! Are you making promises you cannot keep?

amadeo modigliani closeup of man face portrait

Amadeo Modigliani, 1915

Wishing you happy days, some filled with sun.

See you on the other side.

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