“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
On a very quiet Friday night at home, a very cool song began to play and I started to go round and round, literally spinning on my toes, wondering how fast could I go. The Milky Way takes hundreds of millions of years to complete just one round. The earth, twenty four hours. Time, as a reference point is notoriously hard to pin down. And yet, we try.
Counting rotations, counting hours, counting lives.
And thus 2023 comes to a close.

Ellen Baker's 'Solar System' Quilt, 1876
2024 will be welcomed with open arms, and hope. There will be a big fuss around it. Most of us will try and stay up, like Cinderellas tied to midnight. And when the clock ticks and we shall chant – 10, 9, 8, 7…
But what is going to happen?

The Gin Shop - Anonymous 1765
We turn to the clock in anticipation of change. Perhaps there will be new things. But I see the sun, unfazed, it will quietly set and rise again.
Some things don’t change. Some do.

Sunrise - Claude Monet, 1872
2024! Are you making promises you cannot keep?

Amadeo Modigliani, 1915
Wishing you happy days, some filled with sun.
See you on the other side.